Monday 22 November 2010

'Why hello Overdraft, I've missed you': HOW TO SAVE YOUR PENNIES

Alright so I'm guessing the wide (pahah) demographic of people reading this are mainly students. I mean Shoni's a student. So are Jade, Issy and Matt. Cool. OK so students never have any money ever. It's like our job or something. Get given money from the government, sit around all day getting drunk and writing on blogs then complain we have no money 'cuz i spent it all down taaa' spoons.

So here is a variety of ways to live in the high life (ish) and save money:

1) Create an account. Now.
2) If you don't have one already- get a railcard.
3) Amazing. All you need is a valid train ticket. Even if you're not going to use the train it's worth buying a cheap one- £1.80 say (cheaper with your new railcard) and making big savings. Yay.
4) Create casseroles- you can chuck any food in it that needs eating!
5) Freeze your meat bitches. It'll last up to 6 months. No lies.
6) Download Spotify. You won't ever pay for music again.
7) OK I suspect you know this already but if you don't: PRE DRINK.
8) Scour the internet for voucher websites. You'd be amazed at the deals I've picked up: 2 for 1 all over the shop, free drink in a Greene King pub, theatre tickets!
9) Be nice a person. It might not save you money but it'll make you feel better about spending it.
10) Theatres often hold back a few restricted view tickets which you can queue up on the day for. Billy Elliot for £20 as opposed to £80. Don't mind if I do.
11) Charity shops are your friends. Not only do you look original and get green points, you pick up a STEAL.
12) Sometimes it's better to fork out a bit more initially and have things last longer. Primark tights- a pound a pair- Great. Holes in your tights after one wear- Not so great.
13) Get a job, you lazy student.
14) Help your University out. £40 to show people my room. Nice.
15) Enter competitions and surveys- £1000 cash prize for answering some rubbish Union survey for Surrey. Worth a shot.
16) Budget. And stick to it.
17) Branded Ginger Beer- £2.60/litre. Non branded Tesco's own Ginger Beer- 36p/litre.
18) Go into a Supermarket before it shuts and pick up all the best reductions.
19) See January Sales. 70% in Accessorize at the end of January.
20) Furnishing a house? Go on Ebay, source people selling furniture locally and go collect it. £20 for two great condition sofas. Awesome.
21) Buy your books on Amazon. Use the library. Oh, and get a Waterstones card. It adds up.
22) Learn to sew and sew up your button holes, rips etc. Give your clothes a new lease of life.
23) Learn to cook. It's cheaper than ready meals and it'll make you feel better.

Finally if you just can't be good....

24) Make sure your new shoes look nicer than the girl's who live next door.


Ivy Harrison said...

I'm a student too and this was really useful, ta love! Loving the blog btw :) I find you very entertaining!

Ivy x

Matt said...

As far as I can see- frozen meat lasts FOREVER