Monday 1 November 2010

Blogging: Is It Shit Like Twitter?

Twitter is something I totally don't get. It is the assumption that you are interesting enough for someone to actually want to read your ramblings. How self indulgent to assume that some other person really cares about your little, random, insignificant thoughts. I dislike the idea of someone like myself (who has achieved virtually nothing) thinking that their thoughts are fascinating enough to be broadcast on the internet for others to read. Perhaps it is OK if you are geniunely funny (Stephen Fry) or geniunely intelligent (nobel prize winner for example).
Anyway, I consider(ed) blogging to be largely in this vein. Self indulgent crap that no one except the writer of said blog (in my ideal fantasy this pretend blog is called something like 'My Secret and Private Diary' or some other generic yet amusing name) is at all interested in.

However, my dear friend (Shoni) has recently started a very entertaining blog (in fact go read it instead of this one ) and my boyfriend and his close friend write a highly amusing blog ( ). These two events have made me curious to the world of blogging (not that of Twitter- I still think Twitter is for self love and the mentally retarded), so much so that I propose to start my own blog. And find out if 'Blogging is shit like Twitter'.

Anyway, this is (shit) blogpost 001. It is the blog's birthday. Happy birthday blog.

Unless you want to hear a few trivial details about the author (that's me) I suggest you exit the browser now.

I am an English Literature and Creative Writing undergraduate at the University of Surrey. I am from somewhere within the m25. I dislike over familiarity on the internet and bad grammar. I can live with the latter but most definitely not the former. My name is (0bviously) Alexandra. I answer to Alex. Alexandra is preferable.

I feel a bit sick posting this.

1 comment:

Shoni said...

"my dear friend (Shoni) has recently started a very entertaining blog (in fact go read it instead of this one"
I love you. x