Thursday 4 November 2010


After airing my dirty laundry on the internet, I am met with the inevitable backlash. Apparently, Twitter is a good thing? So here we go, Twitter: The Good, The Bad and The Stupid.


After doing some further 'research' (if you can call a google search and a chat with Will over a cigarette research) I have come to the conclusion (more like I have been forcibly told) that Twitter can be useful.

"How?!" I hear you beautiful readers cry! Well, let me enlighten you. One of the most annoying things about google is a search will often bring you results from 6 months to 2 years ago. If you are looking for current and update information it can be difficult to find this through google. However, as Twitter is constantly being updated with 'tweets', it is an excellent resource for finding up to the minute information.

Also, as you choose who you 'follow' you can then choose whose 'ramblings' appear on your page. Therefore if you harbour a particular interest in say...Ashton Kutcher you can follow his diabocal tweets to his cougar wife Demi. This could be useful for someone is studying science or medicine, as you can follow researchers. Hmm.

Finally, and this is a point with two halves. I have read that large coroporate companies have chosen to publicise their products and discounts through Twitter. This has two sides: obviously if you are looking to buy a laptop finding a discount would be great, however as we learnt from 'The Social Network' advertising just isn't cool.


See blogpost001.


"Anyone know how many toothpicks are in a standard box? has it traditionally been that number?" Oh dear

"Itchy fucking eye" Who cares?

"Good news: I get to leave the house today. Bad news: It’s to buy new catheter bags." This is actually real. TOO MUCH INFORMATION.

In conclusion, I am no closer to cracking the enigma that is Twitter. But, apparently hating Twitter isn't cool. Sorry, I still think it's shit, although I now slightly respect it's 'functions'. Although, the word 'tweet' makes me sick.

Over and out.

An aside: To clarify from 'Am I a Wanker?' I love pot noodles I just don't have any at the minute.

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